Selasa, 13 Desember 2011

Menambahkan Tombol Reply di Form Komentar Blogspot

Blogspot secara defaul tidak mempunyai tombol reply sehingga kadang-kadang memakan waktu jika kita mau membalas komentar dari sahabat blogger lainnya. Dengan menambahkan tombol reply akan memudahkan kita dalam membalas komentar karena kita tinggal mengetikan komentar tanpa harus menuliskan lagi nama yang mau dikomentari. Untuk membuatnya adalah sbb :


If you are traveling to the solo city, one of the hotels that can be used as a place to rest is solo inn hotel, One of a three star hotel that is in solo, location near major roads making it easier to explore the central city of Solo. There is also a full restaurant by providing a menu typical of the city of Solo.

Solo Inn Hotel Address
JL Slamet Riyadi NO 366, Solo, Indonesia 57141

50Webs Free Web Hosting

Free Web Hosting Package

With the Free Hosting plan you can host several personal websites online at absolutely no cost. The service offers sufficient resources and easy-to-use tools for you to quickly set up and manage your pages from one place.

The 50 Webs’ point & click Control Panel offers a great web-based file manager with an HTML editor included. You can upload files in seconds and see in real time all the edits made to your websites.

With this plan you can run multiple POP3/IMAP mailboxes at a time. They all include support for webmail, catch-all emails and SPF protection.

And also, no forced ads will litter your pages, which makes 50 Webs a favorable and well-known hosting provider.

SignUp Now

Tuty Wibowo Hamil Duluan

awalnya aku cium-ciuman
akhirnya aku peluk-pelukan
tak sadar aku dirayu setan
tak sadar aku ku kebablasan

ku hamil duluan sudah tiga bulan
gara-gara pacaran tidurnya berduaan
ku hamil duluan sudah tiga bulan
gara-gara pacaran suka gelap-gelapan


Still loving you - Scorpions

Time, it needs time
To win back your love again
I will be there, I will be there
Love, only love
Can bring back your love someday
I will be there, I will be there

I'll fight, babe, I'll fight
To win back your love again
I will be there, I will be there
Love, only love
Can break down the wall someday
I will be there, I will be there

Status Facebook Gokil

Senin, 12 Desember 2011

Bisnis Internet

Sumber :

Sitemap di Blogspot

How to Create a Sitemap in Blogspot

Sitemaps are particularly needed by blog visitors to make it easy to explore our blog page.
To create a sitemap is as follows:

1. Log into
2. Click New Post

Belajar Membuat Blog

Sudah punya email google kan? Jika belum bisa baca di cara membuat email google. Jika sudah punya untuk membuat blog diblogger caranya sangat mudah yaitu :

Rembulan Virgo


Single atau berpasangan, Anda sedang sama-sama bermasalah dalam hal komunikasi. Tampaknya Anda kehilangan momen klik karena kesibukan masing-masing sehingga minggu ini lebih baik Anda meluangkan sebagian besar waktu Anda untuk orang yang sedang dekat dengan Anda......... dst

Hidup adalah Perjuangan

Hidup bukan Impian
Hidup bukan hayalan
Hidup Bukan permainan
Hidup adalah perjuangan.